Twenty-One Keys
My great friend, Randy Bubb, died in 2005 from cancer. Because of Randy’s demise, it seemed like most everyone I knew was talking about the importance of financial life insurance. I thought about this and came to the realization that financial security is just the tip of the iceberg. I had been thinking about keys to teach my kids and making notes since 1998. I came to the conclusion that writing out the lessons I wanted my kids to learn was more important “life insurance” than just have enough money to see to their needs.
Here is the multimedia outline of the Twenty-One Keys (with the demise of Flash at the end of 2020, this may stop working):
In short, Randy’s death convinced me to write letters to my kids for future consumption, when they were mature enough to understand. This project has become my Twenty-One Keys book draft, for which I’m seeking a publisher. Twenty-One Keys offers the essential building blocks one must adopt to have a great chance of living a wildly successful life. It is what I want my kids to learn, especially if I’m not around to teach it in person and through example.
Here’s a mock up of the cover, which might ultimately change:
If you are interesting in helping proofread the draft, please contact me.
Bob Sakalas a.k.a. Optimism Man